We are 11-7.30pm Wednesday-Sunday .
Last orders by 7.15pm!
On sunny summer days or weekends, please make sure you’re in the queue by 7pm so we can serve you before we close!
We will open on bank holiday Mondays throughout the year. Check our instagram for updates.
We will be open 11.30-7.30pm on the following Monday and Tuesdays: 1st April, 6th May, 27th May, 5th August, 26th August, 27th August, 17th December.
Opening Hours:
Open 11-7.30pm Wednesday - Sundays. Last orders at 7.15pm.
We are CLOSED on Mondays and Tuesdays - we need a rest! You can always buy chocolate online from here at any time of day.
We are closed for holidays between 31st AUGUST-10TH SEPTEMBER
Here are a few things you need to know before you visit:
We are operating as a takeaway only to allow social distancing. Please wait outside in the chalked lines while you queue. The ice cream flavours are posted on instagram and outside the shop so you can decide what you’d like while waiting.
Only EIGHT customers will be allowed in the shop at any one time.
Please consider other members of the public while queuing - don’t block doorways and the pavement and if possible wear a face mask if you have a cold or cough.